The sun was welcome for our Spring Adopt A Street Cleanup


Saturday April 14 marked our Spring Adopt A Street Cleanup and the sun came out to join us for this very fun event. 28 caring neighbors worked for 3 hours to pick up trash and weed the memorial median at NW 58th St and the EBCA would like to specially acknowledge each and every one of them.

Our first thanks go to the handful of volunteers who waged war on the weeds in the median in preparation for a dedication ceremony on May 20th. A bronze plaque in memory of Agnes Meserole will be installed in the yet to be planted median adjacent to the crosswalk. Thank-you to Milto Garcia who lives in South Seattle, in the neighborhood just for the morning. Thank-you to Ben Brackin, photographer from Building C Artists Studios on 14th who did a lot of the heavy lifting. And thanks to EBCA’s resident Landscape architect Steph Shelton, Bernadette P.Cassie Dunn, Ellen Kissman (adopt a street tool guardian) and the unstoppable Shannon Dunn, who have brought the median a step closer to the goal of being an easily maintained, beautiful and sacred space.

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Thank-you to Casey Condon, Holly Hoag, Jonathan Bell and his mom Sue who cleaned out the overgrown grasses in the bioswales.

Thank-you to Will Rava, and his girls, Lillian, Abby and Celia (long-time dedicated EBCA volunteers), Jen Valiere-Douglass, Clara, Lydia, Leon Robert and his son Waylon, Lori Twietmeyer (graphic designer who created the EBCA logo), Alice Dews, Joanna Bice, Christine, Scott and Sam Owens who picked up trash on 14th from NW 65th all the way to Salmon Bay.

Thank-you to Linda Frank for running the volunteer sign-in table and relentlessly recruiting passers-by. Linda has participated in every single EBCA Adopt A Street Cleanup!

And thank-you to our local businesses, The Ballard Market for the grub and Blowing Sands Glass for the shelter, use of their facilities, collecting Ballard Market receipts to help fund watering of the planters and so much more!

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the next Adopt A Street Cleanup on October 21st!

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