Lots of fun at the Planter Steward Spring Clean


Thank-you to Randy at Stoneway Hardware for supporting our neighborhood!

Saturday morning was truly dedicated to the hard-core Seattle souls that don’t let a little rain or cold get in the way of making their neighborhood shine. As they say, April showers bring May flowers and so with this good start, our flowers are going to be going gangbusters by May! Our morning started with a quick stop and photo-op at Ballard Stoneway Hardware where compost was to be had for the planters. Thank-yoIMG_8578u Randy (pictured above in front of his store) for contributing a few bags to our cause. Over on 14th, the real fun was soon to begin as Shannon, Steph, Lori, Ray, Sharon, Casey, Dar and Dawn pitched in to clean out the dead leaves, deadhead, prune and compost.  The tall grasses have been removed since they were getting too tall. We left a few in the median at 59th if anyone wants them!

Interested in more fun in East Ballard in April? Come join us on April 14 for our Adopt A Street Cleanup!

April 14,  2012 10am-1pm
EBCA Adopt A Street Cleanup on 14th Ave NW
Location: Sign-in at Blowing Sands Glass – 5805 14th Ave NW
This is our twice yearly clean up event on 14th Ave NW. We will be picking up trash along 14th Ave NW and enjoying treats donated by The Ballard Market. Time and volunteer turnout permitting, we will also be weeding the areas around the planters. We’ll provide vests and tools. Make sure to come dressed for the weather.

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