The plants are here and one intersection is ready for plants on Saturday

We’ve been pretty darn busy this week. I’m taking so many pictures, I’m having a hard time keeping up with the uploads to our flickr site! The plants arrived on Wednesday, thanks to Steph who did the ordering and coordinated pickup and delivery. Thanks to Rob who accompanied and helped with the heavy lifting. Thanks to Swansons for donating some great looking plants! It looks like a jungle in my backyard right now. It’s going to be hard to give them up!

This morning, we had a large group of neighbors arrive ready to move all 27 planters into place. Due to a little bite of reality, we decided to do just 6 planters this weekend with plans to get the rest done within a few weeks.  The intersection at 14th and NW 60th has become our playground to work out all of the logistics required on a slightly smaller scale. It’ll make getting the rest of the  planters in a lot easier.

Soil donated by  Cedar Grove gets delivered Friday (tomorrow)  morning at around 10:30 am.  Stop by 14th and 60th and grab a shovel if you have the time. All volunteer time goes toward our grant match!

I plan to see many of you on Saturday from 10am-1pm. You’ll have the option to help clean up 14th (this is a great option for families with kids), do some planting (great for those green thumbs), or prepare the rest of the medians for gravel delivery (for those who want some good old fashioned exercise!).

Dress appropriately for the weather. Tools for breaking dirt, like a pick mattock, would be helpful. Ballard Market will be providing lots of great food and drink in appreciation for doing such a great job at making our neighborhood look so beautiful!

0 thoughts on “The plants are here and one intersection is ready for plants on Saturday

  1. Hi Shannon and Dawn et al, we forgot to put down our hours that we worked on the project on Earth Day… Dave and Corinne: 1.5 hours each. And Naia, but she just sort of watched, it’s hard to do a lot of heavy lifting as a 4 month old 🙂

    • Hi Corinne,

      Thanks Corinne. I had guessed 2 hours for you and Dave. The extra amount will go toward Naia’s help 😉 Thanks so much for coming out. You guys made a huge impact on those median ends. It’ll make the rest of the steps so much easier! I hope to see you and the family again soon! Dawn.

  2. your planters are beautiful! 27 is truly astounding! congratulations seeing such a wonderful project and installation through, with vision and determination and lots of help. continued success, your former neighbor

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