Update on Gemenskap Park


Thank-you neighbors for your patience as we took a bit of a sabbatical these past few months from posting on the blog. Lots of fun stuff has been happening in the ‘hood, we’ve just been out having too much fun to post!

At long last, we have come out of hibernation to share some great news about Gemenskap Park (formerly the 14th Ave NW Park). We have been in touch with our Parks Manager who has advised that the Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) for Gemenskap Park has been pre-approved by SDOT! Streescape plans have been approved, but the permit has not been issued yet. Permitting will occur once Seattle Parks gets a Contractor under contract and conducts a preconstruction meeting with SDOT. Public works bidding will occur this winter and if all goes well, ground breaking for the park could begin in the Spring of 2017 with completion Fall 2017! We realize this schedule has kept changing over the past few years, however, it was mostly due to SDOT and Parks hashing out the permitting process. Now that this hurdle has been overcome, we’re encouraged that the latest plans will stay on schedule.

If you’re new to this neighborhood and would like to catch up on the 11 year history of this community-inspired park-in-the-making, check out the Gemenskap Park page on our site. If you’d like to get involved with the park or have East Ballard community project ideas, please contact us at eastballard@gmail.com.

Join in the fun at the next Ballard Corners Work Party Aug 21


Ballard Corners Park is having a work party this coming Sunday, Aug 21. There will be fun work to do for all ages and abilities to keep this gem of a park beautiful and an admiration of the community!

Please join us for a work party at Ballard Corners Park (17th Ave NW & NW 63rd Street) on Sunday, August 21th from 9am-1pm, rain or shine. 

We’ll be weeding (lots of weeding!) and getting the park in shape for the Seattle Summer Parkways event which takes place the following weekend.  Some tools and refreshments will be provided.  If you have your own gloves and tools please bring them.  Any questions, please contact Gabriella: gabriella@seanet.com.  We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Play Street Potluck on 11th Ave NW tonight 4-8pm


A new play street along 11th Ave NW between NW 60th and 61st Streets opened up a few Sundays ago to great success. The street will be closed every Sunday from 4PM-8PM through September for kids to play in the street car free and neighbors to come out and get to know each other better, play games and eat good food.

Tonight, we invite you to a potluck along the play street. In addition to meeting your neighbors, also come learn about the latest plans for Gemenskap Park (formerly the 14th Ave NW Park) and learn about how you can get prepared for an earthquake.


Raise a pint (or two) to support NW Seattle Parks this Thursday!


Have your heard about Gemenskap Park yet? Grab a pint at Reuben’s Brews Thursday night to learn more!

Groundswell NW invites you to Reuben’s Brews this Thursday July 28 from 3pm-8pm. For each pint you purchase, Reuben’s will donate $1 to support Groundswell NW’s mission to empower NW Seattle to create, activate and care for parks, open space and habitat.

Learn about the latest neighborhood parks and open space projects, including Gemenskap park (formerly 14th Ave NW Park). Pitch your green space idea for a $500 micro grant, and learn how you can support local wildlife by creating your own backyard habitat.

All are welcome, including kids and well-behaved dogs on leashes. The first 25 people who pledge to create a backyard habitat will get a FREE BUTTERFLY HEROES KIT!

What:  Raise a pint for Groundswell NW
When: Thursday, July 28 3PM-8PM
Where: Reuben’s Brews 5010 14th Ave NW


Seattle Summer Parkways is one month away! Sign up to volunteer

Help make Summer Parkways amazing!





Summer Parkways events are powered by people like you, and we need your help to bring these celebrations to life!
Be part of the action and sign up to volunteer.
Join the Summer Parkways team and experience Seattle in a whole new way, either by volunteering in in your own neighborhood or getting to know one that’s totally new. Shifts last 1.5-5 hours and there are positions for everyone: Info Booth Ambassadors, Route Set-up Crew, Mobile Medics, Photographers, and more.Planning to attend the events? Why not lend a hand before or after you enjoy the festivities? All volunteers will receive training, snacks, water and a free Summer Parkways T-shirt.
Recruit a friend and sign up today! Questions? Connect with the Volunteer Manager at mary.summerparkways@gmail.com.

There will be activities, games, lessons and heck of other free cool things to do and see!


Check out the routes and events by neighborhood by clicking the Route Maps below!

Rainier Valley- August 13, 2016 – 12:30pm to 4:30pm

The party will kick off our series with a huge day of festivities! There is too much fun to list here, but you can check out our major partner events and just some of the fun happenings by clicking the links below:
Summer Parkways is still looking for volunteers to help with the event, SIGN UP today to get involved!
Ballard- August 27, 2016 – 11:00am to 4:00pm

The second event in this series will bring the fun back to Ballard! Summer Parkways is partnering with the Sustainable Ballard Festival, Seattle Parks and Recreation and dozens of community organizations and friends to bring safe streets and sunny fun to everyone.

Here are just a few of the activities you can expect to find at Ballard Summer Parkways:

Sustainable Ballard Festival, Including:

  • Family Bike Expo
  • Taste of Ballard Tea Garden provided by Miro Tea
  • Solar Garden with Solar Powered Rubber Duckies, Ovens and more
  • Build a birdhouse out of campaign signs!
  • A Farm and Garden Zone with Petting Zoo
  • Live Music All Day
  • And Much Much More!

Ballard Summer Parkways

And so much more!

Summer Parkways is still looking for volunteers to help with the event, SIGN UP today to get involved!

West Seattle- September 25, 2016 – 11:00am to 4:00pm

The final event in our series will celebrate the end of Summer by opening up Alki Ave SW to play the day away in West Seattle at beautiful Alki Beach!

Here are just some of the participants and activities you can expect to see:

Summer Parkways is still looking for volunteers to help with the event, SIGN UP today to get involved!

Burke Gilman Trail Missing Link Public Hearings this Thursday and Saturday

If you use the Burke Gilman Trail and want to safely get from the Fred Meyer to the Locks or Golden Gardens, then get informed and provide comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement before August 1st. You can learn more by reading the document at the City’s website, attending an open house scheduled for this Thursday and Saturday (see details below) and if you’re in need of a visual to see the options, check out this very well done short video published by Haley Woods.


June 16, 2016
Contact:  Norm Mah, Senior Public Relations Specialist, 206.684.8114

Burke-Gilman Trail “Missing Link” Draft Environmental Impact Statement Now Available
SDOT to hold two public hearings in July to provide opportunities to comment on Draft EIS

SEATTLE – The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has completed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Burke-Gilman Trail Extension Project (Missing Link) and has made the document available for public comment. The DEIS evaluates four alternatives for connecting two existing portions of the Burke-Gilman Trail between the intersection of NW 45th Street and 11th Avenue NW, and the Ballard Locks.

SDOT will hold two public hearings to provide information about the DEIS and to solicit public comments. The public hearings will be held at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street on:

  • Thursday, July 14, 6 – 9 p.m. – Presentation at 6:15 p.m.; public comments: 7 – 9 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 16, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Presentation at 10:15 a.m.; public comments: 11a.m. – 1 p.m.

The DEIS and information about how to provide comments can be found on the project website at: www.seattle.gov/transportation/BGT_Ballard.htm. Hardcopies of the report are available for viewing at a number of Seattle Public Libraries, including the Central Library (downtown), and the Ballard, Fremont, Greenwood, Magnolia, Queen Anne and University branches. Comments on the DEIS will be accepted until midnight on August 1, 2016.

The Burke-Gilman Trail (BGT) is one of the most heavily used pedestrian and bicycling routes in Seattle and connects multiple neighborhoods and other city and regional trails. It serves as a major transportation and recreation corridor for people walking, jogging and biking.

The Burke-Gilman Trail Extension (Missing Link) Project would connect two existing portions of the Burke-Gilman Trail through the Ballard neighborhood to complete the regional facility that otherwise runs continuously from Bothell to Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park. SDOT proposes to connect these two segments of the BGT with a marked, dedicated route.

Norm Mah
Senior Public Relations Specialist
City of Seattle Department of Transportation
O: 206.684.8114 | M: 206.255.9389

2016 Pedaler’s fair kicks off with a free bike party in Ballard July 3


What:  FREE BIKE: ten days of summer bike fun and a July 3 block party in Ballard
When: Festival, July 1-10. FREE BIKE Party and Pedaler’s Fair, July 3.
Where: The festival will be all over the Seattle area. The FREE BIKE Party is on NW 49th Street at 17th Ave NW
Cost: Free!
Who: People of all ages who want to celebrate biking and local bike businesses

FREE BIKE Party is the biggest highlight of the ten-day FREE BIKE festival. It’s an all-day street party in Ballard with:

Play Streets in East Ballard


This past year, Seattle Department of Transportation kicked off a pilot program to introduce Plays Streets in Seattle.

A play street closes a neighborhood street to traffic so that kids (and adults) can have more space for play and physical activity. School play streets provide additional space for recess or other special activities, like a field day. Community play streets help neighbors create more space for play during the summer or after school.

The summer has been successfully kicked off and we’ve heard that a very successful community play street along NW 58th St between 11th and 14th Ave NW has started up again this week and neighbors are inviting families in the ‘hood to join them and see what it’s like. Maybe it’ll inspire you to start up your own play street!

When: Every Thursday 5:30pm-9pm
Where: NW 58th St between 11th and 14th Ave NW
What: Come meet your neighbors, let the kids play in the street. Bicycles are welcome especially since it’s along the Greenway!

According to the Play streets map, there are a few more in the neighborhood. If you’d like us to help spread the word, please contact us!


Find the BGT Missing Link – Public Meetings — West Woodland, Ballard

The Burke-Gilman Trail (BGT) is one of the most heavily used pedestrian and bicycling facilities in Seattle, a vibrant trail connecting multiple neighborhoods and other city and regional trails. It serves as a major transportation corridor for commuter and recreational bicyclists. The Burke-Gilman Trail Extension (Missing Link) Project would connect two existing portions of the […]

via Find the BGT Missing Link – Public Meetings — West Woodland, Ballard

8th Annual Sustainable Ballard Edible Garden Tour June 25th

Sustainable Ballard invites you to a walking/biking tour of SW Ballard food gardens. Now in it’s 8th year, the Edible Garden Tour has been an inspiration to hundreds of gardeners every June.

Date: Saturday June 25, 2016
10 am – 3 pm
Ballard Community Center, 6020 28th Ave NW
How: Buy your Tickets / Map at the start point on the day of the tour
Cost: $10 per person (kids are free).

Grow, don’t mow!

The goal for this event is to educate and inspire folks to grow food by giving examples of creative uses of parking strips, containers, raised beds, bee houses, chicken coops, goats, fruit trees, berries and more!  Meet the gardeners and ask questions.  This self-guided tour includes more than a dozen gardens to explore within walking distance of the Ballard Community Center.  Your $10 supports Sustainable Ballard’s community projects.

Check our more info on Sustainable Ballard’s website.