2018 Fall Clean Sweep Success!

Thanks Susan, Andrew, Marilyn and Chris for making 14th look so nice!

This was our second Fall Clean Sweep in a row where the weather was absolutely perfect! We had 27 volunteers who picked up 10 bags of trash, filled up 6 bags of yard waste and 2 large yard waste cans full of leaves and weeds. Coffee and cocoa, donated by the The Ballard Market, kept us fueled as we picked up trash from NW 65th all the way to Leary Ave.

Big thank-yous go out to the following volunteers who went the extra mile to support this great event. If you want to be on the volunteer call-out list for next time, reach out to eastballard@gmail.com

  • David for posting flyers and Peter for taking them down after the event
  • Linda, Peter, Sue, and Chris who helped load up cars, set up the event,  work the event and then break it down. Whew!
  • Chris, Casey and Holly for bringing treats (Here’s a link to that chocolate marbled banana bread, that everyone was raving about!)
  • Sue for getting the coffee donation from Ballard Market and Chris for heating up the hot cocoa
  • Mike, Peter and Holly for sharing your yard waste containers
  • Linda for washing the work gloves afterward

…and thank-you to Marilyn, Susan, Andrew, Steph, Ulysses, Leon, Erin, Mary Pat, Zack, Tom, Rose, Lesa, Rick, Lia, Rachel, Javier, and his son, Emnett, Indu, Banu, and more who showed up and made a difference by helping us clean up the neighborhood! 


Check out more pics in our Flickr album to see all the fun we had! Thank-you neighbors and we’re looking forward to seeing you again in the spring for our next Clean Sweep event!