Feb 2 deadline to submit your great idea to improve Seattle streets and parks


Would you like a safer crossing at 11th Ave NW and Market St? When the EBCA has asked for safe crossing improvements at this intersection in the past, the best we could do is get curb extensions installed which slightly reduce the length of intersection to cross and causes vehicles to park further away from the intersection for a better line of sight. There’s still lots of room for improvement! This year, one neighbor, Sue Bell, has taken a grass roots approach and has been spreading the word via social media to encourage neighbors to take action to improve the crossing at this intersection.  This is a key intersection connection for East Ballard providing access to the #44 bus, Gilman Park, breweries and places to eat, grocery stores and the Burke Gilman trail. Sue would really like a flashing beacon and crosswalk like the one shown here.  Sue is encouraging neighbors to apply individually through the Your Voice Your Choice program. Deadline is Feb 2.  If you have more great ideas, we encourage you to submit (there’s no limit to how many ideas you submit). It’s a super easy form and an opportunity to make a difference in your neighborhood!

submit your idea today: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YVYCIdeaCollection2018