14th Ave looks amazing! Thanks to you…


Fun for the whole family!

We got a lot accomplished last Saturday, May 20 for Adopt-A-Street Cleanup & Rain Garden Restoration along 14th Ave NW. The sun was out; 35 volunteers worked between NW 65th all the way to Shilshole Ave. A big thank you to our awesome neighbors for collecting 25 bags of trash, 25 bags of yard waste, 1 tiny figurine and 1 old weedwhacker! Neighbors also pitched in to help dig out the rain gardens, including the 6 ft yucca in front of Blowing Sands Glass. Because of the huge scale of the rain garden project, we ran out of time to prune the shrubs in the planters. We will get to that in a few weeks; email us at eastballard@gmail.com if you want to help. What a great job of making our neighborhood look beautiful!

We would like to extend our gratitude:

Thanks to Cari of Urban Systems Design and Roseann of Aster Rosa Ecology & Design for their amazing leadership of & commitment to getting things done with the Rain Garden restoration. Thank you to all the rockstars of Dirtcorps who came out & tackled a much bigger job than expected.


The Dirtcorps Rockstars

Thank you to David & Cynthia of Blowing Sands Glass for letting us camp out in front, use there space, & for helping us out.

We would like to give a thank you to Seattle Dept of Neighborhoods for the $3500 grant to make all this a reality. And for Groundswell NW, we are grateful that they were our fiscal sponsor.

A big thank you to our steering committee: Sue, Mary, Chris, Peter, Linda, Rachel & Dawn for organizing & setting this shindig up.

Check out the pics in our Flickr album to see all the fun we had! Be sure to click on the individual photos to read the captions. Thank-you neighbors and we’re looking forward to seeing you again in the fall for our next Adopt A Street Clean up event!