Join EBCA and Seattle Greenways this Sunday for a Ballard Janes Walk

JJ 2015_BLUE

This will be the 3rd year the EBCA has helped organize a Ballard Janes Walk in honor of Jane Jacobs who was a community organizer who helped save her neighborhood from destruction by the hands of outside interests. She invited everyone to see how cities actually work through experience, to go out and see what makes a neighborhood thrive, or to see what makes a neighborhood struggle. During this weekend, community organizers from all of the world will be giving tours in their own neighborhoods with this mission in mind. This year, the EBCA has teamed up with Seattle Greenways in this FeetFirst sponsored walk to explore Ballard urban green space of all shapes and sizes through a mix of residential blocks, commercial pockets and the historic industrial core.

Ballard Janes Walk 2015
Sunday May 3, 11 AM
Meet at Hales Brewery (Leary and NW 43rd)
Sign up: