Participate in Seattle’s first emergency prepardeness “hub-a-thon”


After a successful round of Hub Chats held March 24-25, it is clear neighborhood leaders want to connect with other groups organizing for disaster. The Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map will launch within the next week. For more details on the map and how to connect during the Hub-a-thon, see FAQs below: 

What’s going on? Two big things …
This month, the Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map makes its on-line debut. If you are part of the SNAP list*, you will automatically receive a link to this website.

Then, on April 17-18, Seattle Emergency Management will host the first-ever Seattle “Hub-a-thon!”

*sign up for the SNAP list at: 

What is a Hub-a-thon?
It’s a virtual meet-up of neighborhood coordinators who have organized their group for safety and disaster preparedness. Neighbors connect themselves via the new Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map.

What is the Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map?
An interactive Google map where you can connect with other neighborhood coordinators directly and see who else has organized around you.

Why Seattle Emergency NeighborLink?
If you’ve ever wondered who else has formed a neighborhood group around safety or disaster preparedness, there has never been a way to easily locate or contact others. But now with NeighborLink, there is! 

Why does this matter?
In any large-scale regional disaster, city resources will be overwhelmed, and people will have to rely on those around them to get through the first few days and weeks. Connecting with people now, and exchanging information ahead of time, will be an important way for neighbors to stay safe and help each other when the time comes.

Can anyone participate?
While anyone can view the map, group information should be posted by either your neighborhood coordinator, community agency, or someone you designate. Seattle Emergency NeighborLink will only show Seattle-based SNAP, Block Watch, Hub groups and CERT individuals. CERT members are asked to associate with their nearest Seattle-based Hub. 

How do I participate?
Go to: is currently being updated)
Look for the Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map on the home page. (Google Map won’t be live until early April.)

Click and fill in the form for SNAP, Block Watch, Hub or CERT.

Send in your information and watch for your group to show up on the map during the April 17-18 Hub-a-thon! 

What if I’m not part of SNAP, Block Watch, Hub or CERT? Can I still add myself to the map?
No, but if you want to start your own SNAP, Block Watch or Hub group, you’ll be able to link out to those websites for more information.

Once I see the map is live, do I have to wait to be part of the Hub-a-thon?
No! In fact, the more people who fill in the form early, the faster people can start connecting. The first day of the Hub-a-thon is just the beginning. The map will constantly be updated as people keep adding themselves to the map.

Our group doesn’t use computers. Can we still participate in the Hub-a-thon and become part of the Seattle Emergency NeighborLink map?
Yes! The Hub-a-thon is set for Fri, April 17 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sat, April 18 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Have a member of your group stop by the American Red Cross anytime during those times. We will take your information and enter it into the computer for you. It’s that easy.

Or, call 206-684-0517 during the Hub-a-thon and we will take your information over the phone. 

What happens after the Hub-a-thon?
Start connecting with other neighborhood coordinators via email! The NeighborLink map will be your ready resource to help you plan and organize with other groups around you. 

Anything else?
Stay tuned to the SNAP email list* for future announcements on SNAP and Hub training. Seattle Office of Emergency Management is committed to helping our community connect and plan together for disaster. *See link above or email:

For more information, contact Debbie Goetz, Seattle Office of Emergency Management, email: or call 206-684-0517.

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Seattle Office of Emergency Management | 105 5th Avenue South, Suite 300 | Seattle | WA | 98104