City of Seattle now accepting proposals for Neighborhood Park and Street Fund


The improved crossing at NW 58th and 14th Ave NW were thanks to Neighborhood Street Funds

The improved crossing at NW 58th and 14th Ave NW was thanks to Neighborhood Street Funds

The 2015 Neighborhood Park and Street Fund is now open. Application deadline is February 9.

If you have an idea for the East Ballard neighborhood, please contact EBCA and we can help you with the application process!

NPSF 2015 fact sheet

NPSF 2015 Application

What is the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund (NPSF)?
These funds are a portion of Seattle’s city budget – approximately $2 million in 2015 (pending final budget approval)- that are set aside for neighborhood improvements to streets and parks. NPSF projects are proposed by the community.

What projects can NPSF money be used for?
The NPSF can be used for projects valued up to $90K to fund park or street improvements.

Examples of park projects include: playground improvements, trail upgrades, tennis or basketball court resurfacing, park benches or tables, natural area renovations, and accessibility improvements.

Examples of street projects include: crossing improvements such as marked crosswalks, curb bulbs , and pedestrian countdown signals; and traffic calming, such as traffic circles, median islands, and speed feedback signs. This funding source may be used for sidewalk repair and, rarely, for short segments of sidewalk construction (less than 100 feet, or one third of a block).New sidewalks are typically more expensive than this funding allows.

SDOT has created a list of approximate project costs per project type.

Who decides which projects will be funded?
The NPSF is a competitive process and not all projects will be funded. Each Neighborhood District Council will review applications and select three projects to forward to the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Seattle Parks and Recreation (Parks) for detailed feasibility and cost analysis. Funding decisions are based on recommendations from District Councils, Parks and SDOT, with the final decisions made by the Mayor. For more information, contact your Neighborhood District Coordinator.

If you have an idea for the East Ballard neighborhood, please contact EBCA and we can help you with the application process!


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  1. Pingback: Show your support for 3 East Ballard Street projects up for vote at Ballard District Council Wed March 11 | EBCA