East Ballard eligible for FREE street rain gardens

The East Ballard GreenStreet project team seeks interested homeowners who would like to be part of a collaborative neighborhood project. The leaders of the grant-funded project will select a cluster of properties along one block and work with residents and volunteers to construct small natural drainage rain gardens in the planting/parking strips at no cost to the homeowners.

The project will:

  • Beautify your street through new plants, such as ferns, grasses and flowering shrubs;
  • Increase bird, butterfly and other native habitat; and
  • Reduce polluted runoff from the street that flows into the Salmon Bay at the end of 11th Avenue NW. Toxins found in polluted runoff affect people’s health and harm fish and wildlife.

If you live within the boundaries of the Rain Garden Project in East Ballard, you are invited to participate! Interested homeowners should contact Cari Simson by February 11. Block visits with interested homeowners will be scheduled for February 17.

More information is available in the East Ballard Greenstreet project flier.

The East Ballard Greenstreet project team will select one cluster of homeowners along one block based on street criteria described in the flier, as well as how many neighbors are involved. The project team would like at least 3-6 homes involved so the project has more impact.

Site selection will be shared on February 28 at the East Ballard Community Association Monthly meeting. You will be contacted directly if you are selected. We will also announce on this website.

If your block meets the criteria, but is not selected, you will be added to a “Wait List” and identified to the City and County for future projects as funding becomes available.

We welcome everyone to participate in all of the scheduled project activities.

Cari Simson, Project Manager
Research Faculty at Antioch University Seattle

“Like” the East Ballard Greenstreet Facebook page for more rapid updates and additional information about Green Stormwater Infrastructure (rain gardens, cisterns, native plants, and other topics).

This project is funded through a grant from The Russell Family Foundation in partnership with:
