Ballard/Crown Hill, It’s time to get In Motion!

The East Ballard Community Association is proud to be a community partner for  the King County Metro Ballard/Crown Hill In Motion program this Fall. The Ballard/Crown Hill In Motion program can help you get the most out of the existing transportation network, improve your health and the health of your community, and even save you a few bucks!

Every car trip we reduce benefits our health and environment.
Start today:

  1. Check out the Ballard/Crown Hill In Motion page
  2. Pledge to change two trips per week from driving alone to something else and receive an unlimited use ORCA  card good through November 24.
  3. Become eligible to win fabulous rewards from Ballard/Crown Hill businesses.

Who is eligible to participate?
You are! If you…

  • Live or work in the Ballard/Crown Hill neighborhood
  • Are 16 or older
  • Have at least one car in the household (so you can drive it less!)

It doesn’t get much easier than this! Make your pledge today!


0 thoughts on “Ballard/Crown Hill, It’s time to get In Motion!

  1. So tell me, why do you hate cars and the people who drive them? I can’t walk very easily, and a bicycle is out of the question. Do you want me, and people like me, to crawl off and die because we’re not in our 20s and healthy? What do you have against people who are disabled or have mobility problems? Why do you hate us so much?

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