Pics from August Night Out

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8.7.12 August Night Out, a set on Flickr.

Thanks East Ballard neighbors for an awesome August Night Out last week in our soon to be new Park on 14th!

We had amazing hands-on art with fire with Dave Smith from Blowing Sands Glass and his daughters running the Raku firing of fish, Lon doing lampglass work and Frank blowing up his aluminum casting contraption.

We had the RapidRide bus park in the median where you could enjoy your potluck meal in air conditioned comfort and be greeted by RapidRide Man!

We had amazing food made by our neighbors.  Shelby Locke ran the grills and brought set up 14th as an outdoor cafe.  A very nice touch!

The band, Seeing Blind had dreamed of one day playing in the street across from where they live and their dream came true that night.  Scott and his band got to play at the other end of the street and got people dancing.

We’re also now more prepared for an emergency thanks to Linda and Terry getting through their East Ballard Prepares project and the EBCA had a booth set up for you to learn more about us and the park and where you could turn in your passport for the raffle!

Thanks to Ballard Market, Crash Landing Pizza, Tim Carroll (for the Starbucks cards) and The Bay Theater for donating raffle items!

And a heartfelt thank-you to our event coordinators, Shannon, Dawn, Casey, Holly, Linda, Peter, Scott and Christine.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all again at our next event!

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