Incredible turnout at January’s community meeting

1.24.12 14th Ave NW Park Blvd Community Involvement Meeting

Thank-you to everyone who came out to the first community involvement meeting for the 14th Ave NW Park Blvd project on January 24! Over sixty people from the neighborhood came out to comment on three schemes prepared by Mithun. Thank-you, as well, to those who took the time to not only voice your opinions, but to also write comments. One of the coolest parts of the presentation was at the end, where Mithun asked participants to write a postcard to a friend or family member as if it were 5 years from now telling them about the park. These were truly heartwarming stories. Thank-you for sharing!

We’ve set up a resource page that has links to the agenda, presentation, notes, comments and of-course, those postcards!

There’s still time to provide comment. You can provide comment at this site or directly to the Parks Dept to

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