Update from the walking audit on 14th


Last Wednesday, Nov 30, was a particularly cold morning, but untypically clear, which made for a great day for a walking audit along 14th. This day felt like the unofficial kickoff for the 14th Ave NW park boulevard. This was the first time the stakeholders came together to talk ‘Park’. Representatives  from the EBCA, Parks, Dept of Transportation, Mithun, Fehr and Peers and Mayfly met bright and early at the library at St. Alphonsus school for a quick Transportation 101 lesson, facilitated by Kendra from Fehr & Peers Traffic Engineering firm and followed up by an overview by Peter Locke on the history of the 14th Ave NW park boulevard community project. We then bundled up and headed out to walk together along 14th while being filmed and discuss topics of multi-modal transportation and possible treatments that could be applied along the corridor and intersections toward the goal of making 14th both safe and inviting.


We then headed over to the Ridgeback Cafe where they kindly accommodated us with a very large row of tables so we could lay out our map and further discuss the conditions of the corridor and Park elements in a warm setting with hot coffee in hand! The next step is for Fehr & Peers to put together notes and share them with the team to be used to  determine what types of traffic studies need to be performed and to be used when designing the park boulevard. We”ll share these notes on the 14th Ave NW Park Boulevard Page when we  get them. Interim notes on discussion topics recorded by the EBCA are here. Thanks to everyone who dedicated their morning to making this Park happen!

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