14th Ave NW Rain Garden Project selected for EPA national rulemaking program

photo by Ed Sozinho

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently initiated a national rulemaking to establish a comprehensive program to reduce stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment and make other improvements to strengthen its stormwater program.  The EPA asked The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) to collect case studies on projects that successfully and sustainably manage stormwater.

Jennifer Britton, formerly from SDOT and now Assistant Professor at Montana State University, submitted a case study for our bioswale and pedestrian safety improvement project at 14th Ave NW and NW 58th to ASLA for consideration. We just learned today that our project was selected as one of 479 case studies from 43 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada!

This is very exciting news to learn that our efforts to improve our quality of life in the East Ballard neighborhood are now being given national attention. Thank-you to  everyone that helped with this project and to those who continue to take care of this site today.

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