$1.5 million for a Park Boulevard on 14th

We’ve been sitting on pins and needles these last few months waiting to hear the verdict from the Seattle Parks Levy Oversight Committee as to the fate of the Park Boulevard on 14th Ave NW Project. The press release went out today and it’s official!

The Parks Levy Oversight Committee has proposed that  $1.5 million in 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy acquisition funds be reallocated to the 14th Avenue NW Park Boulevard project!

This announcement was part of a much larger announcement listing the recommended projects to receive Parks Levy Opportunity Funds. If you remember, way back when, the 14th Ave NW Park Boulevard project applied for Opportunity funds but were later recommended by Seattle Parks to receive Acquisition funds from the levy that were set aside for a new park in the Ballard Urban Village.  Click here for more details on the press release and the complete list of Opportunity Fund recommendations. The next hurdle will be approval by the City Council in March.

This is a great opportunity for East Ballard and an opportunity to bring our community together to make our neighborhood and even greater place to live! Spread the word and your support!

0 thoughts on “$1.5 million for a Park Boulevard on 14th

  1. Congrats to the hard working team that has worked for many years to move this project forward. East Ballard is fortunate to have such dedicated supporters.

  2. Pingback: Spotlight on East Ballard | ballardhistory

  3. Pingback: Update on the 14th Ave NW Park « east ballard community association

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