Neighborhood Status Report Update Meeting July 23rd

Some of you may know that I’ve been involved with Ballard neighborhood planning this past year or so. It’s been a very interesting process. I’ve had a chance to learn a lot about the history of Ballard and Crown Hill and get a greater understanding and appreciation for the many changes (good and bad) that I’ve seen take place in Ballard over the past 13 years I’ve lived in this neighborhood.

Through this process, I’ve become very intimate with the Crown Hill/Ballard Neighborhood Plan, which was written by the community, in collaboration with the city over 10 years ago. That’s right, our plan is over 10 years old now! That’s actually the state of all of the neighborhood plans in Seattle today, so the city decided  it was time for an update. A lot of things have physically changed in our neighborhoods in the past 10 years,  so have our general philosophies and priorities. Our neighborhood plans are living documents and need to be updated with our changing times and that’s where you come in.

So, you ask, why is this important? Why should I care about these plans? Well, the reason I care, is  simple, because I live in this neighborhood, I’m affected by the neighborhood plan, and I have an opportunity to make a difference. I’m hoping many of you share these same sentiments and take advantage of the several opportunities you’ll have in the coming year to get involved with the Neighborhood Plan Updates. Your first chance will be to attend the first Neighborhood Status Report Meeting next Thursday, July 23rd. The following is information I took from the City’s website, detailing this event. I’ll try to continue keeping you all up to date on how these events go and provide you with opportunities to give your input if you cannot participate in these events.

Neighborhood Status Report Meeting
Thursday July 23rd
Greenwood/Phinney, Crown Hill & Ballard,
Fremont, Wallingford, Green Lake
Phinney Neighborhood Center
6532 Phinney Ave. N
6-8 p.m.

Details from the City of Seattle:

“Please join members of the Seattle Planning Commission and the Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee in the first of two important community meetings.  The meetings will help inform the City’s decision about the need to update neighborhood plans that communities completed in 1998 and 1999.

This first meeting is an opportunity to learn about your neighborhood plan, work to implement it and the growth and change that has occurred.  The City will also seek your input about issues neighborhood is facing, and about how well the neighborhood plan addresses these issues.

The second meeting, tentatively scheduled for October, will be an opportunity to review reports that include your comments and document information about the status of neighborhoods.

Can’t attend the meeting for your neighborhood?

Status Reports
Citywide Status Overview

Crown Hill-Ballard

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