East Ballard Walking Tour. The dates and times are set!



In my last post, I enticed everyone with the  invitation to our very first East Ballard Walking Tour. I had the date , but I didn’t have any more details to share. Well, I’m happy to say we now have more details!

East Ballard Walking Tour
Saturday June 13th

10 am Cafe Bambino – 405 NW 65th St
We’ll be starting the tour at 10, so if you’re gonna get coffee, make sure to get there early!

12 pm Crash Landing Pizza – 702 NW 65th St

We’ll be finishing up our tour with a well-deserved slice of pizza, thanks to Dan at Crash Landing!

tudors on 57th

tudors on 57th

We got  a lot of great input from neighbors on where to go on our tour,  so we thought we’d do a “dry run” the other day to see  how much we could fit it in. We had grand illusions of covering the entire East Ballard area, but when we were already an hour into the walk and found ourselves still north of Market, we decided to rethink our plans.

"bed" of lavender

"bed" of lavender

In order to stay within 2 hours, we decided to cover NW 65th to Market, between 3rd and 14th. If this tour is successful, we’ll do a South East Ballard tour next. We also decided to do a sampling on this tour of interesting architecture, history, inspirational gardens and community projects. If this tour inspires others to do further research on any one specific topic and put together a tour on their own, just tell me and EBCA will help out!  This tour is going to be very informal so that we have time to get to know our neighbors better on the walk. Bikes and trikes are welcome, however the goal is to stay together as a group throughout the tour. We’ll do a loop, so we’ll end back on NW 65th at Crash Landing Pizza. Dan, the owner, will be graciously donating a pizza slice for everyone on the tour. Thanks Crash Landing for being such a great neighborhood business!

0 thoughts on “East Ballard Walking Tour. The dates and times are set!

  1. Hello, Seems the Ballard history usually overlooks the original inhabitants of this area. This book provides the landscape enjoyed by Native Americans before European contact…

    There was a good article in the Ballard News Tribune once but I can’t locate it, was written by Nile Robert Thompson

    This is a last minute suggest but to simply acknowledge that we are on Duwamish land is a great protocol to honor.

  2. Thank-you Cynthia,

    I just reserved the Native Seattle book from the Seattle Library. I’m looking forward to reading it. I tried to find the article you mentioned by Nile Robert Thompson, but it looks like it was removed from the Ballard News Tribune archives site. I’ve sent an email to the BNT to see if they can get the copy back online or at least send me a copy.

  3. Thanks for the great pics and commentary Silver! I”m going to add your link to my latest posting so they’re more visible. I can’t believe I missed the pot-bellied pig! It was great meeting you on the tour today and I hope to see you around in the ‘hood!

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